A review of condo statistics identifies the units that traded at the highest price per square foot in 2023.

Industry watchers say that Florida condo pricing peaks in Miami Beach’ s South Of Fifth (SoFi) neighborhood and decreases as you move to the north, south and west from the tip of the barrier island.
The local colloquialism was proven true again in 2023 when nine of the 10 most expensive condos to trade in Miami Beach were located in the affluent, five-block long neighborhood of SoFi that stretches from South Pointe Drive (effective Zero Street) north to Fifth Street.
A review of the 2023 statistics shows that the SoFi condos on the Top 10 list traded at an average price per square foot ranging from $3,347 to $4,631.
By comparison, the average transaction price for a Miami Beach condo was about $727 per square foot in 2023, according to a recent report.
In 2023, buyers paid more than $1.8 billion for about 1,949 condos in Miami Beach, according to the stats.
The only condo on the Top 10 list of most expensive units sold in 2023 that is not in the SoFi neighborhood is located at the recently built 57 Ocean project in the Middle Beach submarket.

We have crunched the statistics for the Year 2023 and plan on publishing a series of of reports during the next two weeks on CondoVultures.com looking at the winners and losers in Miami Beach.
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