In this latest issue of the Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report™, we examine a budget maneuver that could offer a one-year reprieve for some cash-strapped unit owners facing reserve requirements.

This week’s Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report™ newsletter examines a loophole in the revised Florida Condo Law that could exempt some associations from funding hefty reserves for the future upkeep and maintenance of aging buildings until 2026.
This is a year later than many had expected and comes at a time when the outcry from cash-strapped owners of Florida’s nearly 28,250 condo associations with more than 1.2-million units has been intensifying statewide.
Beginning in January, condo associations in Florida will be required to start collecting money from unit owners to place into reserve accounts that will be used exclusively to fix, maintain and improve the structural integrity of residential buildings that are at least three-stories tall.

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