Since you are reading this report, we presume you are interested in South Florida’s condo market. As a result, we value your opinion and want you to hear from you.

We want your informed opinion, preferably by 5 pm (EST) on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
We are requesting your anonymous opinion for an unscientific survey to gauge the opinions of informed buyers, sellers and investors about the future of South Florida’s older condos given the looming 2025 Florida Condo Association Financial Cliff.
As you may know, we plan to write a series reports about the Condo Association Financial Cliff for the next four weeks given we are about six months out from the looming deadline.
Since you are reading this report, we presume you are interested in South Florida’s condo market. As a result, we value your opinion.
We are wondering if you would participate in this anonymous seven-question survey.
The results will be used in a report that is scheduled to be published in the final week of our five-part series.
Since this is an anonymous survey, we will not have your name, company and/or contact information. We will, however, have your vote and incorporate your feedback into our report that we plan to publish on July 23, 2024.

We crunch a lot of statistics each week and then publish the results byway of a series of reports posted on
If you want the reports emailed to you, just sign up for the Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report With Peter Zalewski™ newsletter at:
If you are interested in participating in a community that shares realtime, actionable information on the latest real estate trends, opportunities and service providers in South Florida, we encourage you to join the Miami Condo Market Investing Club™.
The objective of the Club is to create a community that shares realtime, actionable information on the latest real estate trends, opportunities and service providers in South Florida.
The Club is also ideally situated for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) condo buyers who can rely on our latest statistics, expert opinions and access to consulting services.
Additionally, we encourage you to listen or view our podcast wherever you get podcasts. Additionally, the podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and/or YouTube.
This information is believed to be accurate and complete but cannot be guaranteed or warranted. For more information, please call 305.865.5859 or visit
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