A review of the South Florida condo statistics shows that nearly 15,400 vintage condo units are listed for resale at an average price of more than $466,125 per unit.

It is a buyers market for South Florida vintage condos – units older than 25 years – as more than eight months of supply is currently listed for resale in the tricounty region of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, according to an analysis by CondoVulturesRealty.com.
A vintage condo is not an industry designation but rather a term we are coining to identify older units that have existed for at least 25 years.
Condo buildings older than 25 years are said to be tougher to sell, more expensive to insure and burdened with significant association maintenance fees and special assessments.

We are always available for consulting, expert witness work and buyside brokerage services just as we have been since 2006. If you want more information on condo resale units, please visit CondoVulturesRealty.com or call the office at 305.865.5859.
This information is believed to be accurate and complete but cannot be guaranteed or warranted.
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