Florida Condo Boards Risk Sanctions If Fail To Share Records With Owners, Renters

  • Published by Peter Zalewski
  • 7/18/2024
  • 5:55:15 PM
In the aftermath of the Surfside condo collapse, the Florida Legislature has made a number of changes to the state’s condo law in 2024. This is one of the changes.

The Champlain Towers South condo collapse in the barrier island town of Surfside on June 24, 2021 was an inflection point for Florida’s real estate market.

Please note: This is a preview of the report. Click on the “Read the report” button below for the entire article. 

A common complaint of Florida condo owners is the purported widespread refusal of association boards of directors and property managers to share material information about their respective communities.

During the 2024 legislative session, Florida officials made another effort to deal with this criticism by further revising the state’s condo law.

As the latest version of the Florida condo law currently stands, associations are required to collect 20 records – dubbed the “Official Records” – that must be maintained and made available for inspection to unit owners and their representatives.

What is your outlook for South Florida condos? Take our anonymous survey. All results will be published in a report scheduled for July 23, 2024.

Units owners gain access to the records within two weeks of submitting a written request.

The law goes on to state that Florida condo associations “may not require a member to demonstrate any purpose or state any reason for the inspection.”

This information is believed to be accurate and complete but cannot be guaranteed or warranted.

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