Florida Condo Boards Must Now Hold Open Meetings, Take Questions From Owners

  • Published by Peter Zalewski
  • 7/21/2024
  • 12:02:57 AM
In the aftermath of the Surfside condo collapse, the Florida Legislature has made a number of changes to the state’s condo law in 2024. This is one of the changes.

Please note: This is a preview of the report. Click on the “Read the report” button below for the entire article. 

Florida condo associations with at least 10 units are now required to hold quarterly board meetings and allow owners – who can purportedly be boisterous and confrontational – to ask questions about agenda items under a series of 2024 revisions to the state’s condo law.

As part of the changes adopted during the recent Florida legislative session, condo boards must now also provide advance notice to units owners when financial topics such as “regular or special assessments” and/or contracts for “goods and services” are scheduled to be discussed and/or voted upon.

In an effort to bring increased transparency, copies of proposed contracts as well as the descriptions and estimated costs for items to be purchased must now be shared with unit owners – and made available for inspection – prior to all votes.

This information is believed to be accurate and complete but cannot be guaranteed or warranted.

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