FeedSpot unveiled its list of the “Best Investing Podcasts” in Florida based on “relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness” earlier this month.

The “Miami Real Estate Investing Podcast with Peter Zalewski” has been named a Top 10 podcast in Florida in the category of “Best Investing Podcasts” by the content-reader website Feedspot.com.
The rankings were announced earlier this month with the Miami Real Estate Investing Podcast capturing the No. 6 spot, according to the Feedspot list.
“This (Miami Real Estate Investing Podcast) podcast focuses on identifying buying opportunities and implementing strategies in the volatile South Florida condo markets of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, according to Feedspot.

In releasing the rankings, Feedspot stated the objective was to identify “the best Florida Investing podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers & freshness.”
Under the Miami Real Estate Investing Podcast brand, a series of different programs are published, including the “Miami Reporters Roundtable Podcast”, the “Miami Condo Market Analysis Podcast” and the newly added “Miami Condo Market Investing Club Podcast™.”

The Miami Reporters Roundtable Podcast features a panel of four current and former journalists discussing the biggest real estate and economic stories in South Florida from the previous week. The program features Zalewski as the host, former reporters Jean Gruss of GrussPR.com and John Fakler as regular commentators and one visiting journalist each week.

The Miami Condo Market Analysis Podcast is a deep dive into the latest condo and rental trends occurring in a particular South Florida coastal market.

The Miami Condo Market Investing Club Podcast is a monthly, members-only program where Zalewski and the virtual audience discuss the latest macro trends occurring in South Florida’s volatile real estate market.

The podcast was launched in 2020 during the work-from-home days with the objective of trying to bring clarity and honesty to the overhyped South Florida real estate market.
If you have not yet given the Miami Real Estate Investing podcast a listen, this might be the time to check out one of Florida’s 10 Best Investing Podcasts based on the Feedspot rankings
The Miami Real Estate Investing programs are available wherever you listen or watch podcasts. Alternatively, the podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and/or YouTube.
It is worth noting that we crunch a lot of statistics each week and then publish the results byway of a series of reports posted on CondoVultures.com.
If you want the reports emailed to you, just sign up for the Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report With Peter Zalewski™ newsletter at: PeterZalewski.substack.com
If you are interested in participating in a community that shares realtime, actionable information on the latest real estate trends, opportunities and service providers in South Florida, we encourage you to join the Miami Condo Market Investing Club™.
Additionally, we encourage you to check out our video and audio podcasts.
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