The 75-minute meeting on Wednesday, July 10, will feature condo expert Peter Zalewski of

The third Monthly Meeting of the Miami Condo Market Investing Club™ is scheduled to be hosted online and start at Noon (EST) on Wednesday, July 10.
Club founder Peter Zalewski – who is a former business journalist, Wall Street consultant, expert witness and licensed Florida real estate buyside broker – will discuss the rapidly approaching 2025 Florida Condo Association Financial Cliff.
A lot has changed since the Surfside disaster where nearly 100 people died and a $1 billion settlement was reached with the families of the victims.
Since the 2021 collapse, older units are said to be tougher to sell, insurance prices are spiking year-over-year and association maintenance fees and special assessments are squeezing owners to the brink.
Join the club
Zalewski is expected to discuss the findings of a series of reports scheduled to be published beginning on June 24, 2024, which is the anniversary of the Surfside disaster.
The discussion will focus on condo stats, new legislation and the outlook for the South Florida market.
The Monthly Meeting is expected to last about 75 minutes and include a 15-minute-long Questions & Answers session. It is exclusively for Club members. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Club on a monthly basis for $34.99 with this link.
A link for the private event will be posted at the bottom of this report behind the paywall at 9 am on the day of the Monthly Meeting. The link will also be emailed to subscribers the night before the Monthly Meeting.
The objective of the Club is to create a community that shares realtime, actionable information on the latest real estate trends, opportunities and service providers in South Florida,
Besides real estate professionals, developers and lenders, the Club is also ideally suited for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) condo buyers who can utilize our latest statistics, expert opinions and access to consulting services.
All of the Club’s preferred vendors have also been invited to the event, including:
It is worth noting that all of the Club’s Monthly Meetings are scheduled to be held at Noon (EST) on the second Wednesday of every month throughout the year. Here is the schedule for the Club’s Monthly Meetings:
Besides access to all reports, charts and Monthly Meetings, the Club also plans to host quarterly Meetup events for members to talk shop, pitch their services and discuss the latest trends they are witnessing in the trenches of Miami’s volatile condo market.
The second Meetup event is scheduled from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm Thursday, Sept. 5, in Miami’s Shenandoah neighborhood just west of Greater Downtown Miami.
As with the Monthly Meetings, the Meetup events are exclusively for members of the Miami Condo Market Investing Club™.
We crunch a lot of statistics each week and then publish the results byway of a series of reports posted on
If you want the reports emailed to you, just sign up for the Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report With Peter Zalewski™ newsletter at:
Additionally, we encourage you to listen or view our podcast wherever you get podcasts. Additionally, the podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and/or YouTube.
This information is believed to be accurate and complete but cannot be guaranteed or warranted. For more information, please call 305.865.5859 or visit
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