Have You Read Florida’s Condo Law Revisions? Our Video Narrates It

  • Published by Peter Zalewski
  • 7/12/2024
  • 12:33:50 AM
This is the first part of a four-part video series where an AI-generated voice narrates the revisions made during the 2024 Florida legislative session.

(This is the first part of a four-part video series. To watch the entire video series, please join the Miami Condo Market Investing Club™)

Why read the Florida condo law updates from the 2024 legislative session if you can watch and/or listen to a narrated version of the law?

CondoVultures.com has copied the Florida condo law revisions, pasted it into a video editing software and then added an AI voice so that you can view the 76-pages of legislation.

With the AI voice added, the Florida condo law revisions are nearly four hours long. This is too large of a file to post on the popular distribution sites so we broke the file down into four segments of one hour each.

If you want to read the updated legislation that is in the video, please visit: https://laws.flrules.org/2024/244

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