Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report™ Newsletter

Published since 2007, the free weekly Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report™ newsletter offers insight into the state of the South Florida condo market ahead of the curve.
Hyperbole drives the Miami condo market. Unlike the more transparent stock market, the South Florida condo market provides limited information for buyers who are trying to collecting realtime intelligence.
Developers, civic leaders and real estate sales people, alike, have a reputation for saying whatever they need to in order to close a deal. Given that Florida has no state income tax, the primary revenue source for municipalities is property taxes (roughly 2 percent annually of a properties assessed value).
As a result, the operating budgets for many companies and local government agencies are dependent on real estate, whether it is property taxes, transaction commissions or construction.
The facts on the ground gives the appearance that the system favors sellers rather than the buyers.
The prevalence of disinformation creates plenty of pitfalls for buyers and sellers who have a challenging time trying to figure out the latest market trends.
Rather than relying on the opinion of some newly licensed real estate professional who recently relocated to Miami, why not go to a straight-talking, 30-year veteran of Miami’s real estate market like Peter?
Subscribe now to the The “Miami Condo Market Intelligence Report With Peter Zalewski™” and get realtime information, including our newsletters, podcasts and invitations to private events delivered directly to your email box.